The Optimized Business Standard

OBS is a standard developed by Russian and American businessmen as part of research work on the MBA. The standard is built on the principles of saving the main and additional resources of the enterprise without losing the quality of the services offered and the goods produced. The optimized business standard can be used not only in commercial enterprises, but also in the organization of public organizations and even in the daily life of citizens.

No phone calls

Phone calls take away time from a businessman, while the effectiveness of this type of communication is extremely low. Business correspondence, the use of instant messengers and short text messages distinguish entrepreneurs working on the principles of OBS.

Limited assortment

The number of services offered and goods produced is reduced to optimize business processes. Profits are rising, costs are falling.


Universality is achieved by standards. Clear rules, prescribed schemes, lack of improvisation and initiative, including on the part of clients. The businessman is always right.

Контакты и реквизиты

ООО "Веб-студия "Ксенча"
ИНН / ОГРН 5503276100 / 1245500008170

WhatsApp +79955489243


40702810710001631913 (Рубли)
40702156100000016722 (Юани)
АО "Тинькофф Банк"
БИК банка 044525974
К/с 30101810145250000974
Веб-студия Ksenća: студия копирайта, рекламы и веб-разработок